Frequently Asked Questions

Reward Builder

What are the differences between the Reward Builder plans?

We offer three different plans to meet the needs of our customers: Reward Builder Standard provides a cost-effective way for companies of any size to create, customize, and issue Rewards to their employees and customers with the ability to add additional users and Admins to your company account. Reward Builder Plus allows you to enjoy all the Standard plan features as well as create user groups and hierarchies, manage budgets, allocate funds, send printed/mailed Rewards, order prepaid cards, offer curated award catalogs, and much more. Our Enterprise Plan allows large volume programs and enterprise companies with specific requirements to customize an incentive solution to fit their needs. Please contact us to discuss. Both our Reward Builder Standard and Reward Builder Plus plans require no minimum volumes or IT integration, so they are the ideal solution for your recognition and engagement program, or to complement an existing program in place.

What is the cost for each plan?

Reward Builder Standard:  No cost.  You only pay for the face value of the Rewards issued.

Reward Builder Plus: $49 a month when billed monthly, plus the cost of the Reward issued. You may also opt for our annual billing option at $499 for a savings of $88 per year!

Enterprise: Because Enterprise customers have unique needs, the cost is determined based on specific client and program requirements.

Can I change plans?

You are welcome to change your Reward Builder Standard or Reward Builder Plus plan at any time to meet your needs. For Plus plans, cancellation will take effect at the end of your current billing cycle (month or year). Should you cancel your Plus plan, you will still have access to your Plus features through the end of the billing cycle (month or year). Your account will then revert to the Standard plan, at no cost, and you can continue to order Rewards anytime.


Reward Certificates

What is the Reward?

Our branded Rewards offer a personalized experience with customized Reward messaging and are available in multiple denominations and delivery options.  The Reward is redeemable for the recipient’s choice of popular shopping, dining, and entertainment gift cards, a prepaid card, and for smart home and lifestyle products. This allows your recipients the opportunity to choose the options that matter most to them. Curated award catalogs are available with a Reward Builder Plus plan. Please note that if you created a Reward using a curated award catalog such as Wellness or Product-Only, the redemption options available to your recipients will be tied to the award catalog you select.

What is the cost of a Reward?

You pay face value for your rewards. If you order a $25 Reward as a happy birthday gift for an employee, you pay $25. No portion of your recipients’ Rewards will be used up in hidden fees or shipping when they redeem.

Can these Rewards be issued to and redeemed by employees outside of the US?

We offer many redemption options that are only available for use within the US, such as retail gift cards and prepaid cards. Because of this, our Rewards can only be issued and redeemed within the United States. To order Rewards for employees and customers located in Canada, please click here.

Can the Reward be used by large enterprise companies?

Yes, our Rewards are used by many enterprise companies for large volume customer acquisition, retention, and appreciation programs. To learn more about our enterprise programs, please email our partnership team at


Managing Your Account

Who can order Rewards?

Reward Builder is designed to be a self-serve ordering portal for Administrators of company reward and incentive programs. As such, our Rewards can only be ordered for use in a reward or incentive program and can only be redeemed by the Reward recipient.  As part of your rewards program, you are able to add additional users to your Reward Builder account to assist you in administering your program.

How do I create an account?

To create an account, select ‘Login’ in the upper right and then click the ‘Create Account’ button. Please allow up to two business days for account approval. You will be notified by email once approval is complete. While you can start building Rewards and add them to your cart, you will not be able to complete your purchase until the approval process is complete.   

Can I purchase a Reward without creating an account?

You must create an account to purchase Rewards. As a security measure, we verify to ensure each customer is a good fit for Reward Builder. Additionally, having an account gives you access to the full suite of functionalities designed to help you administer your rewards program.

What if I forget my username or password?

No problem! You can visit this page to reset your password. Your username should be the email you used at the time you created your account. If you need further assistance, the Reward Builder Support Team is here to help. Send an email to or give us a call at 1-855-525-7665.

What if I need to change my email or update my address?

To change any personal information, log in to and look for the “My Account” link in the upper righthand. Go to ‘Manage Account’ to update any information associated with your account.

Can I add Additional Users to my account?

Admins have the option to add additional users to their account. This allows the Admin to see all orders placed by their users.

What if I have multiple groups of users to manage?

Reward Builder Plus allows the Admin to create multiple User Groups and place them in a hierarchical order.

What type of file does my logo need to be?

Your logo should be a high quality .png, .jpg or .gif file. Other files will not be recognized by our system.

What size does my logo need to be?

Please ensure your logo is a high quality .png, .jpg, or .gif file that is at least 650px x 160px and 300dpi. If it is not a high quality image, there may be problems with pixilation or fuzziness on your final Rewards. Please be aware that poor quality logos often look clear on a computer monitor, but fuzzy in print, so it’s important to verify that your logo is the correct quality even if it appears clear on your screen.

What happens if I don’t upload a logo to my account?

You are not required to upload a logo to your account to purchase Rewards. With each order you place you will have the option to upload a logo, but it is not a requirement. Your Rewards can be unbranded if you choose.

How can I designate funds to users I have added to my Reward Builder Account?

In the Account Dashboard, Admin users are able to add funds to a prepayment account that their users can then draw from. Reward Builder Plus subscribers have the option of designating maximum spend for each individual user and/or limit them to the use of the prepayment account.  If Admins do not wish to centralize payment methods, each user may independently add and utilize their own payment methods.

What are the available reporting functions?

If you wish to keep track of the Rewards you have ordered, you may export your recipient information into a downloadable CSV file for your records. Depending on the delivery method you select, the CSV file will include First Name, Last Name, E-mail address, Mailing Address, Reward Value, and Recipient ID. The recipient ID is an optional field you may use to help you identify the recipient (like an employee number) or campaign in your reporting. Additionally, account Admins are able to pull the reporting described above for each of the users they have added to their account.

How do I view Rewards I’ve already purchased?

You can access this information via the Account Dashboard. When you log in to your account you will see the ”My Account” option in the upper right hand corner of your screen. Once there, you will be able to access your order history.


Payment Options

How do I pay for my order?

We have several options available for you to pay for your order and you will make your payment selection during the checkout process. You may pay as you go or prefund an account using ACH, check or credit card. A 2.6% fee is included on credit card payments, unless otherwise provided by law. Please note that Rewards will not be processed until payment is received. Through your account dashboard, you may add, save, and edit new payment methods.

How do I request an invoice to prefund my account? 

You can easily request an invoice from your dashboard. Select Manage Funds on your dashboard and then click on the “Request an invoice” link to enter the invoice amount and a PO Number, if needed.  The invoice email should arrive within 30 minutes of the request from

When will my ACH funds arrive? 

ACH transactions may be used to pay for individual orders or to prefund your Reward Builder account with a drawdown amount (no minimum deposit required). If using ACH to pay for individual orders, please note your order will process after funds are received (typically 3 business days). If using ACH to prefund your account, funds will be available for placing orders after they are received (typically 3 business days). Please allow an additional 3 business days for your first ACH transaction as a verification process is standard upon set up. This process may vary by bank.

How will my ACH payment display on my bank statement? 

ACH payments are processed by Braintree, a PayPal company. Please note that you may see "PAYPAL," "PAYPALMTCU," or "PAYPALMTBU" in the transaction descriptor on your bank statements.  

Is ACH secure?

ACH is a highly secure and reliable electronic payment system. ACH transactions are encrypted, ensuring the safety of sensitive data during transmission. Multiple layers of authentication and fraud monitoring mechanisms are in place to safeguard against unauthorized access and fraudulent transactions. 


Placing an Order

What if I want to use a different logo than my Account Logo?

Each time you create a Reward, you will be directed to a page that allows you to choose the logo you’d like on your Reward. On this page, you can choose your current account logo, upload a new high quality .png, .jpg, or .gif file, or opt to leave your Rewards unbranded. Please note that only one logo may be stored in your account at a time.

What if I accidentally enter an invalid email address for my employee?

If a Reward bounces after you complete your order, you will be notified in your account by a banner in the upper right-hand corner of your account screen. This notification will remain there until the email addresses are updated. If the Reward does not bounce, but you need to correct or update the email associated with a Reward, please send an email to the Reward Builder Support Team at or call 1-855-525-7665 for assistance.

Is there a limit to the Rewards I can buy at one time?

There is no limit to the number of Rewards you can purchase. You may enter each recipient’s name and email manually or upload a CSV Data File with all the pertinent information for your recipients. The Reward value may be customized for each recipient if your program includes multiple Reward values.

Do I have to enter each name in manually?

If you are ordering for multiple recipients, you can upload a CSV file with all the necessary information included for your recipients. The CSV template is available to download during the ordering process.

How do I create a CSV file?

To create a CSV file for your order, download the template that appears on the page for the delivery method you selected. This file contains all the columns and headers required. It is important that you do not edit the headers or change the order of the columns when entering your data.  Do not add any additional formatting or include dollar signs in the Reward value column. Once your data has been entered, click “File” and “Save As.” Type in your desired file name and be sure to choose “CSV comma delimited” as your file type if not already selected and then click “Save.” If you have any questions, we are here to help. Give us a call at 1-855-525-7665 or send us an email to

What information needs to be in my CSV upload?

The required fields in the CSV file include your Reward recipients’ first names, last names, email addresses or mailing addresses (depending on plan level and delivery type), and Reward value. Reward Builder Plus subscribers will have a delivery date field option. Once you select a delivery method for your order, you will be able to download a template that already contains all the correct columns for your data. A recipient ID number is an optional field that may be included for your reporting purposes.

Can I send a non-personalized Reward?

As you’re building your Reward, you will have the option to display the name of the person or company giving the Reward. If you wish to keep the Rewards non-personalized, simply leave this space blank.

Will all my recipients receive the same Reward theme?

While the Reward value can change from person to person, the Reward theme you choose and the message you compose will remain the same for each recipient in each batch. However, you will be given the option to create an additional batch of Rewards that may have a different theme and message before proceeding to checkout.

How many characters can I include in my message?

For emailed Rewards sent SMS (text), directly to the Admin, and printed Rewards, your message may include up to 300 characters. For Rewards emailed sent to the recipient, you have unlimited characters for your message.

Do I have to include a message?

You are not required to include a message with your Reward. Simply leave the message box blank and move forward with ordering your Rewards.

What if I want to order my Rewards ahead of time and have them delivered at a custom date?

During the ordering process, at the delivery option step, you can select a custom day for your Reward order to be delivered. If no specific date is selected, Rewards will be delivered ASAP (As Soon As Processed). For Reward Builder Plus subscribers, you have the option to select a delivery date for the entire order or by recipient. Note: If your Rewards are going to be printed and mailed by us, they will be printed and shipped on the day you have selected. This will affect the actual delivery date of your Rewards and they will arrive 10-14 business days after the custom date selected.

What will my printed Reward look like (Plus subscribers only)?

Your printed Reward will be one full letter-sized page (8.5 x11), which includes the Reward theme, message, recipient name, and reward code along with the Reward value and description of the options for redemption. Rewards sent directly to the recipient will arrive in a plain white envelope. For bulk orders sent to the Admin, you will have the option to choose how the Rewards are packaged during the ordering process.

What if I have curated award catalogs?

With Reward Builder Plus, you have the option of including curated award catalogs, such as Health and Wellness or Product-only. If this feature has been added to your account, when placing your order, you will select the award catalog (redemption site) you want to use for your rewards. Reward redemptions will be tied to the award catalog you select.


Reward Delivery Options

How will my Rewards be delivered?

During the ordering process, you will be given the option to choose between emailed or SMS (text) Rewards. If the Rewards are being emailed to you (Admin), they will arrive in the form of a multi-page PDF document for printing and distributing; otherwise, you may choose to have the Rewards emailed or sent via SMS (text) directly to each recipient. For Reward Builder Plus subscribers, you will have the option of having the Rewards printed and mailed directly to each recipient or to you for distribution. Printed Rewards will be delivered within 10-14 business days of payment.

How long does it take for my order to be delivered to me or my recipients?

Delivery is dependent on both confirmed payment and the delivery method you selected. Rewards will be processed upon receipt of payment unless a future processing date is selected. Emailed and SMS rewards will begin processing within 30 minutes and printed rewards (Plus plan) will be delivered in 7-10 business days from the date selected. If you wish to pay by ACH or check, or if your order has printed Rewards, the process will take longer. Mailed Rewards arrive within 10-14 business days of confirmed payment.

What if I want to order my Rewards ahead of time and have them processed at a custom date?

During the ordering process, at the delivery option step, you can select a custom day for your Reward order to be processed. If no specific date is selected, Rewards will be delivered ASAP (As Soon As Processed). For Reward Builder Plus subscribers, you have the option to select a delivery date for the entire order or by recipient. If you choose to include specific delivery dates per recipient, this will override any order level processing date selected. Note: If your Rewards are going to be printed and mailed by us (Plus plan), they will be printed and shipped on the day you have selected. This will affect the actual delivery date of your Rewards and they will arrive 10-14 business days after the custom date selected and once funding is received.

Can I delay the delivery of a Reward?

Rewards are set to process immediately. However, during the ordering process you can select a future date to send your Rewards. Please note that Rewards will not process until payment has been received.


Reward Redemption Experience

How does the Reward redemption process work for the Reward recipient?

The recipients will receive their Reward in either printed or electronic form.  For printed Rewards, the recipient can simply scan the reward QR code or they can visit and enter the unique redemption code provided on the Reward. From there, the Reward recipient can redeem the face value of their Reward for popular shopping, dining, and entertainment gift cards, a prepaid card, or for smart home and lifestyle products. For emailed Rewards sent directly to the recipient, the recipient will simply click on the blue ‘Redeem Your Reward’ button to be directed to the redemption options. For SMS (text) Rewards, the recipient will simply click the link in the message to be directed to the redemption options.  For both email and SMS Rewards, the unique code and Reward value will be passed through to the redemption site eliminating the need to enter in a code.

What if my product redemption selection exceeds the value of my Reward?

If the Reward recipient selects a product (merchandise) that exceeds the value of their Reward, they will have the ability to pay the difference by credit card during the checkout process.

What type of gift cards do you offer?

Recipients can redeem their Reward from a wide variety of popular shopping, dining, and entertainment gift cards in varying amounts. The collective total for gift and prepaid card redemptions cannot exceed the value of the reward. To view the full selection of merchant gift cards, click here.

What type of Prepaid cards do you offer?

Recipients have the option to redeem their Reward for a physical Visa Prepaid Card or a virtual Mastercard Prepaid Card. The collective total for gift and prepaid card redemptions cannot exceed the value of the reward. 

What types of products do you offer?

We offer a variety of product categories, including health and wellness, smart and connected home, and energy efficiency. To view the full selection of products available for redemption, click here.

What if I have a curated award catalog?

With Reward Builder Plus, you have the option of including curated award catalogs, such as Health and Wellness or Product-only, to support your programs. If you place an order using a curated award catalog, your recipients will only see the redemption options available for the curated catalog. For example, if an employee receives a reward tied to the Health and Wellness catalog, they will be able to choose from a selection of healthy gift cards and products.

Who should my recipients call with questions?

If your Reward recipients have questions about their Reward redemption options, please direct them to 1-855-510-6994 or We are available to assist Monday-Friday from 9amET to 5pmET.


Prepaid Card (for Plus Subscribers)

Can I order Prepaid Cards Directly?

Reward Builder Plus subscribers have the option to order physical and virtual prepaid cards delivered directly to recipients via email or mail, or in bulk to the Administrator. Prepaid cards are available in denominations of $5-$1,000. A per card fee applies. For additional information, please click here.

When can I expect my direct Prepaid Card order to arrive?

Physical (plastic) Visa Prepaid Card orders can be delivered in two ways.

  1. Mailed to the administrator: Physical (plastic) Visa Prepaid Cards will be shipped in bulk to the Admin/Manager at the address provided at checkout. Each prepaid card will be placed in a white windowed envelope displaying the recipient’s name (if provided). Tracking is provided and cards will arrive in 7-10 business days once funding is received.

  2. Mailed to the recipient: Physical (plastic) Visa Prepaid Cards will be placed in a white windowed envelope displaying the recipient’s name. Cards will be mailed directly to the recipients at the address provided in the order and will arrive in 10-14 business days once funding is received.

Virtual Mastercard Prepaid Card orders are emailed directly to the recipient’s email address provided in the order. Virtual Mastercard Prepaid Cards will begin processing within 30 minutes once funding is received. Larger orders may require additional time for processing (up to 2 business days).

What if I want to order prepaid cards ahead of time and have them processed at a custom date?

During the ordering process, at the delivery option step, you can select a custom day for the order to be processed. This date can be for the entire order or by recipient. If no specific date is selected, prepaid cards will be delivered ASAP (As Soon As Processed). If you choose to include specific delivery dates per recipient, this will override any order level processing date selected. Note: If you are ordering physical (plastic) prepaid cards, they will be printed and shipped on the day you have selected. This will affect the actual delivery date of your prepaid cards and they will arrive 10-14 business days after the custom date selected and once funding is received.



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